The importance of Parental Relationships

     Family dynamics have such an important role in our development as children. The absence of a prominent male figure can alter how an individual may view his or her life. Moore, a character in "The Other Wes Moore", brings up the similarities between him and the other Wes Moore including the fact that they both lacked a father in their lives. The influence their fathers had in each of Wes' lives is not something that goes unnoted. Wes Moore lost his father at a young age but since his father has a lasting print in media (radio show), he still finds it inevitable to incorporate this into his writing. Meanwhile, the other Wes sees his father's absence as something more than a painful passing; he understood the concept of abandonment.
     I, too, faced the harsh reality of lacking a father in my life. My experience was more like the other Wes Moore's story of abandonment, yet my life appears to have many similarities to the first Wes. My father was present and frankly, one of the most important members of my life up until I was eight years old. I noticed the difficulty it brought up in my life when it was truly time to find myself and enter the early stages of independence. The lack of emotional presence took a toll on me, especially since my mother (like Joy) both focused on academics rather than emotional support. 
      In a sense, I can see what it is like to miss something you completely lack and therefore see it an obstacle when making choices. I felt as though there was a void I needed to fill and that only pushed to me to look for something that I already had. I understood that my actions did not have to be based on the negative aspects of my life but that I could choose the best for me; thus I found the true meaning of self-reflection. This is something that both characters lacked at a certain point when making decisions because they had to correct their mistakes rather quickly - to avoid the legal consequences. 
      In general, lacking a family member that has a role to play is quite confusing. The fact that both characters faced quagmires in choosing what kind of lifestyles they wanted, having someone to guide them would have been essential to their growth. They both made different choices but in the end, missing a father figure did change their lives drastically and ultimately contribute what each Wes believed was an appropriate decision. The disparities in their characters made it even more apparent that regardless, the first people in our lives allow us to become the people we will be in the future.

Family figures are also relevant in pop culture and most children movies include the presence of supportive parents.
Ex. Tiana from "The Princess and The Frog" had a supportive father who passed at a young age but that supportive always resonated with her and only encouraged her to follow her dreams.


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